WAM: Art of the Comics

Batman by Pat Lee

Course 11WADRW104- Art of the Comic Book
Worcester Art Museum, Wednesdays 630-930pm Starts 1/26/11
Register 508.793.4333 or 508.793.4334

First time this course is offered at WAM;  This is different from the other comic classes I've done there.  This will examine the art and artists who have worked in comics from 1933 to the present-- we'll examine their styles, their influences and we'll see the way the art form has evolved.

Gaining a better understanding of the history of the medium as well as the way the storytelling methods have transformed will make you a stronger artist.    Beginner or expert will benefit by walking in the footprints of the artists who forged this powerful form of communication.

(Class will not meet February Vacation week as I have a class at RISD that week)


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