I always feel a bit like a Carnival Barker when I mention classes I'm doing here, but this is one I get asked about more than any other. Throughout the year I speak at various events and I am almost always asked how you get started, how you get noticed, how you get re-noticed and most importantly how do you keep your head above water and make a living doing either art or writing or both.
THIS is the class I point them to, offered at WAM usually only once a year because I just don't have time to do it more often than that. There are other classes like it around but the big difference besides getting to spend the two weeks with my wit and charm is that my methods work if you use them.
As a bit of IRONY, I had a prospective student email me to ask about the class, in the students message they said that it was likely they'd have to wait to take the class because it was a particularly hectic time for them. That's one of the biggest points in the class session. Busy? Really? No kidding.
Not to single out this student-- I firmly believe that the excuse is legit-- but the thing that all struggling artists fall into is the excuse method.
I can't do this right now because...
If that is your normal reaction to things maybe you should keep your day job and do art for fun. I really don't care how real the excuse is. YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT IF YOU MAKE EXCUSES-- and even better than that-- if you allow yourself to accept them.
For example, MassArt is the only public art college in the country-- and it's a tremendous resource as I explained to Massachusetts Lt. Governor Tim Murray and as I will champion to Senator Scott Brown when we get together in early summer. It deserves the support of the Commonwealth and it is filled with excellent instructors each with his or her own success story and method of attaining that success.
Where The Massachusetts College of Art and Design drops the ball, however, is the same place that RISD, SVA, SCAD and countless other art colleges drop the ball-- in the area of promoting ones self and ones art. The days of printing and mailing expensive postcards and shucking your portfolio to review appointments are not completely gone, but they are no longer THE method of getting your foot in the door.
What's more-- in addition to teaching you HOW to get your career started I'll also demonstrate how to keep it going and how to keep it healthy. IF you use the methods taught in this class you and work hard you will make it.Class sign ups END today or TOMORROW-- Wednesday at the latest -- call the Education Desk at 508.793.4333 or 508.793.4334 or sign up ONLINE. It's the best $90 you'll ever spend.