FREELANCER GUiDANCE - Handling Rejection

Rejection is a part of the creative lifestyle.
Nobody likes it, but handling it is a big part of whether or not you're even cut out for this.  The example I'm showing above is from Marvel Comics but this goes for any type of submission-- comics, novels, illustration-- you are going to send your work in and for some reason or another it's occasionally going to get rejected.  A few keys to remember:

1. It's NEVER personal.  They are rejecting your work, not you.  Learn how to separate yourself from your work and it'll be a lot easier to handle.  YOU are not your work, your WORK is not you.

2. Take constructive criticism.  The above letter is a form letter Marvel used to send out to slightly promising artists.  If your work showed more promise they might have hand written in some details as to what they thought needed work.

3. How much of a stomach do you have for this?  I myself got well over 200 rejection letters like the one above before I finally got hired.  TWO HUNDRED.  My routine was to send in a new sample packet every week so 200 means I did that for well over three years since sometimes I got more than one rejection letter at a time-- you see as I sent in samples I told the submissions editor I was wallpapering a wall in my studio with rejection letters so on occasion I'd get a stack of them.  My consistency with sending in samples (always new once I figured out what I was doing) showed them I wasn't going away.    It also showed that I could produce at least five pages a week working a full time job.

4. Keep at it or give up and find another career.   Some people prefer the life of a regular paycheck to the struggles of freelance.  Not everyone is cut out for this, but if you think you are then a little rejection isn't going to hurt you.

Next week:  I'll go over HOW to send in submission packets.

Andy Fish is a professional comic book artist and freelancer who's been doing this for a long time.  He also mentors and teaches other artists looking to make the jump to pro.  You can contact him (where he will answer not in the third person) at


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