Convention Report Jet City Tacoma Washington, Part V: The Return

SLC Airport is stunning- this is a real photo not some doctored junk.

SLC Airport is stunning- this is a real photo not some doctored junk.

I hate connecting flights but this one was in Salt Lake City which is one of the most beautiful airports in the world. It was the only choice unless we wanted to leave at 7am which would have meant rising at 4am— I wasn’t about it so I decided to suffer through the layover in one of the most beautiful airports in the world.

We called a LYFT at 11 and we were at the airport by 11:30— thankful again for TSA PreCheck we avoided a HUGE security line and were at our gate and waiting for our flight with time to spare. SLC is a nice airport with a lot of restaurants (Logan should follow suit). We had about 40 minutes to kill so we grabbed a quick sandwich at a nearby cafe. The flight boarded on time and we jammed into our seats for the short 90 minute jump to SLC.

I don’t understand why people stand at the gate like there is a mad rush— the seats are reserved after all. Veronica had a good point that now that airlines charge for checked bags people are carrying on more stuff and they want to make sure they get bin space.

We were scheduled to arrive in Boston at 11:59pm and the next Logan Express bus that would take us to Framingham (where our car was parked) would be at 1:15am— after that no buses until morning— so we would have some time to kill once we landed.

The flight back was mostly unremarkable but it was still unpleasant. The plane touched down and got us to the gate at 11:51pm we made our way to baggage claim and I started a conversation with a guy when Veronica yelled my name and pointed out the window— Logan Express was sitting right there. I looked to the baggage carousal and lo and behold there was our bag! I grabbed it and ran outside and we made it on the 12am bus! Woo hoo! Someone was looking out for us.

We made it home by 1:30 and made ourselves a couple of egg sandwiches before turning in. In a few weeks I’ll be re-running more convention recaps.


Apps Worth Having: SPOT HERO! Make Parking Stress Go Away!


Bond Tuesdays: SPECTRE (2015)