Bond Tuesdays: LICENSE TO KILL (1989)
Timothy Dalton is back as James Bond but he’s working with a script that seems like it was written for Dirty Harry rather than Double O Seven. There are so many things that don’t work in this one it’s hard to believe it’s only been two years since THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS. The producers saw the success of Dalton’s harder edge and decided to up the ante by having a good friend of Bond’s tortured and his wife killed leading Bond on a blind path of revenge.
This is also the first Bond film based on a Bond book not written by Ian Fleming— and maybe that’s where it goes wrong, but this one is just NOT fun at all— it’s an angry unpleasant ride even thought Dalton is still a great Bond.
BOND will return but sadly Dalton won’t in GOLDENEYE
BOND: Dalton is working with really bad material and a weaker cast this time ***
VILLAIN: The guy from Die Hard, makes Joe Don Baker look cultured *
Well kids we made it through the BOND FILMS and the first four actors to play James Bond. Next up is Pierce Brosnan who I was excited for at the time but in rewatching the first one they are the worst Bond films and that’s saying something since I sat through A VIEW TO A KILL.
So we’ll be skipping right over Pierce and jumping to Daniel Craig but next week we’ll be running the review for 1983’s OCTOPUSSY because somehow I missed that one.
Who Would Win, James Bond or John McClane?