Newport...and Apple Watches?

We toured the Breakers Mansion in Newport the day after my birthday

We’ve never been to Newport Rhode Island, or if we have I don’t remember it. So we took a rainy Thursday night ride down there (probably the biggest reason I’d never been is I don’t like driving through Rhode Island because other than Providence I don’t know it very well) and we arrived and found street parking. The Mansion Tour was beautiful although a little crowded— which made it a bit warm after a few minutes.

The opulence of the mansion, owned by the Vanderbilts, was striking and it was amazing to see the incredible details in all of the workmanship.

After the tour we drove the half mile into town where we struggled a little bit to find parking, but soon enough we did and we walked over to Mother’s Pizzeria and ate at the bar. We had a Fungi Pizza with Truffles and some bartender created cocktails. All five star.

We walked a little bit more after dinner— it was a chill damp night but nowhere near what it could have been for late December so nobody is complaining.


Apple is the only company I don’t follow my own rules on in being a shareholder. Since the death of Steve Jobs I feel like the company struggles to find its creative genius. I still use 90% Mac Products and I’ll never switch to PCs but it struck me the other day that I was once an admirer of the Apple Watch but after a few generations I dropped it for the very simple reason that I can’t stand the idea of charging my watch every night. The killing strike was a long day of travel to some forelorn place and as I got on the final shuttle to my hotel my Apple Watch gave up the ghost and I no longer knew what time it was. Yes I could look at my iPhone, but I like the ability to look at my watch and see the time, George Bush style.

Years ago I switched back to analog watches, and I have never looked back. My favorites are a Hawaiian Lifeguard Dive watch which has a face I can clearly read— it glows in the dark brilliantly and it’s striking yellow band makes a statement. Another favorite is a Skaagen impossible thin watch that #3 son gifted me, it’s a very upscale watch and I wear it when I dress up— you can’t wear a dive watch with cufflinks brah.

But so it goes— why did I dump my Tesla Stock when I felt Elon has lost his marbles and he first introduced that god awful truck? I also ditched when I discovered electric cars have such a short charging life and such a long recharging life and that the battery, if it doesn’t burst into flame, is insanely expensive to replace. I like the idea that if I get lost I can pull in to a gas station, refuel and be on my way.

I don’t think I’ll ever buy an electric car— and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way— auto makers are reporting tremendous losses in e-car sales, the technology just isn’t there yet— and look at Texas—they took great leaps to move to electric over everything else energy wise and then faced three days of no power when a surprise storm knocked out the grid. Big surprise that a recent study found that Electric Cars actually emit WORSE things into the air than Gas cars do.

No thanks.


Sorry, I've been busy not dying. (Sorry, just a reposting.)
