Modern Horror Movies
HOCUS POCUS is neither a Horror Film or something I would consider modern, but I wanted to show off this great Silkscreen Veronica did of it.
I signed up for HBO MAX aka MAX so I could watch the new SALEM’S LOT with my brother while he’s here visiting from Japan. No free trial so I had to drop 17 clams on it— if the movie had actually made it to the theaters I would have ended up getting the tickets for about 6 people so it would have cost me a lot more than 17 bucks— but the principle of the thing has me watching a lot of movies on MAX while I’m working. I’ve already cancelled it because I don’t need yet another streaming service.
SALEM’S LOT (2024) was bad, it wasn’t the 2004 version bad but it’s been twenty years since I’ve seen that so maybe it was. It wasn’t RETURN TO SALEM’S LOT (1987) bad which I just watched last week and it’s one of the worst movies ever made. It’s always funny to me that people call PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE the worst movie of all time— it’s not. It’s not boring, it’s certainly poorly made and poorly acted but it has heart and it at least TRIES to be something— many of today’s movies don’t even try,
I’ve also come to realize since I don’t actually watch a lot of these I merely put the movie on while I’m working so I really only here the sound of it (I DID actually WATCH all of the movies above so I stand by my statements) that modern horror movies are simply people screaming in agony or terror for 2.5 hours straight. Do you actually enjoy that? I think you need some help if you do.
Watching another human being suffer or be tortured is not my idea of a fun time. I remember many years ago a startup company offered me a lot of money to create graphic novels of their new line of horror comics and when I got the first script the heroine is abjectly terrified by someone on her porch that shouldn’t be there— and how does she respond? She goes and takes a shower. Because yeah that’s what you do when there’s a threat on your property.
I still try to watch mostly Halloween themed movies during October but its getting substantially harder since my tolerance for nonsense has lessened over the years.