Did you Miss National Frankenstein Day?

You’re forgiven if you didn’t know one day last week was National FRANKENSTEIN Day— as someone who is a big fan of Mary Shelley’s creation I didn’t know it— and I’m really sick of all these National fill in the blank day— except for, of course, National Gorilla Suit Day because that falls in the middle of the 600 days of Winter and by that time we’ve lost our mind to the point that we’ll eat Haggis to Celebrate Burns Night because we need something, ANYTHING to survive.

There’s also Batman Day, Donut Day, Coffee Day, Ice Cream Day and I’m sure James Bond Day, Superman Day,— all of it total nonsense.

You want to fix something nonsensical, dispense with these nonsense days — and I swear Donut Day happens at least twice a year— and get rid of Daylight Savings Time.


Halloween Season is Coming to an End...


Everything Returns to Normal...but that doesn't mean things get boring.