End Daylight Savings Time

Not surprisingly a recent study found there is NO BENEFIT to daylight savings time. I always heard “it’s for the farmers” say it with a twang please— well they even asked the farmers and they said the common sense thing— it actually hurts the cows and they don’t need it— they would just get up an hour earlier before daylight— no matter when daylight comes.

The clocks changed Sunday morning and as I type this on Tuesday I heard from every family member, my butcher, my barber and my mailman that “daylight savings time has to go”. Well Senator Marco Rubio R-FL has been trying to get rid of it— and he needs your help.

Reach out to one of your two US Senators and tell them you want it to end as well, and that a bipartisan effort to eliminate it would score major points with you as a voter.

If you don’t know who your senators are— you can find them HERE.

Stop saying there’s nothing we can do about it— and do something about it. We The People can make a change.