Life Changes Life Stays the Same

Life changes in little ways, big ways, happy ways, sad ways, while some might argue the unforseen downturns are the worst— I’d argue the ones you see coming from a long way away aren’t so great either.

After two years helming the creative teams at a startup comic company I’m moving on to my own thing, I made the decision using my Operations Role— I think the company needs time to grow as they’ve yet to find their audience. They’re using a great membership model and putting a focus on bringing in Video Game Fans and re-running the work we’ve done is cost effective and since they have an influx of new Members it’s not re-running to them— it makes sense even if it put me behind the eightball plan wise since I passed on several projects back in July for the 2025 season and publishers are now looking at 2026 and 2027 for projects. But I have projects I want to pitch and things I want to get done that I’ve neglected since taking on this nearly 18 hour a day role, so it’ll be good to get back out on my own.

One of the things I didn’t enjoy about working there was the multiple hats I wore. I don’t know anything about marketing, I don’t care about social media, I like making the books and handing them off to a team of people who are able to promote it and get it where it needs to go. My focus wants to be on the creativity and I can’t possibly do my best work if that focus is split in many directions.

We had to say goodbye to our beloved Yorkie, Austin. He was a great dog, but it was clear at nearly 17 years old he was having far more bad days than good and after consulting with the vet we made the difficult choice.

One thing I’ve learned having gone through actual tragedies, real setbacks and life altering events, you will overcome, you will perservere and you will come out on the other side better from the experiences and the struggles. Struggle is resistance, resistance makes us stronger.


Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend...


Happy Birthday Joe