SNOW where it Doesn’t Usually Snow
Up here in the Northeast we are snow warriors— that’s what we tell everyone— it’s not true. We are snow whiners. When the first storm of the season hits everyone has forgotten how to drive in it and the roads are full of accidents. The DPW forgets how to plow and sand so said roads are a mess. Here’s a tip— four wheen drive does not mean you have magnets holding your car or truck to the road.
I’ve been in other places, places where it doesn’t snow when it does and it’s pretty amusing to watch. I was in Portland Oregon when a good ¾” of snow shut the whole city down and I watched a bus slide sideways down a steep avenue.
In some parts of the midwest they use Beet Juice to treat their roads- I’m not making that up— you can look it up for yourself. I told this once at a cocktail party around Christmas up here and people were in hysterics at the idea— these are normally Yankee composed people literally doubled over and trying to keep internal organs from exploding due to the laughter.
Beet Juice.
Spoiler Alert— it doesn’t work.
They recently got “slammed” with (don’t laugh) 4” of snow and the roads were impassable— so for almost two weeks things were shut down. You know why? Because they put Beet Juice on the road instead of sand and salt.