EMERSON COLLEGE Online Comic Courses

Emerson has long offered a certificate program on Graphic Novel studies and has built a very strong course which covers everything from the beginnings of the medium up through today-- offering in-depth studies of what makes a great comic book or graphic novel artist and writer.

This year they've rolled them out as online courses, so you can now take the class from the comfort of your home sitting in your pajama's if you prefer.  Personally I think this is a great idea, not just to save the commute into Boston, but because if you are going to work in the industry 90% of what you do will require uploading images and communicating online-- this gives you the head start.

So if you've considered taking a course-- and I strongly encourage you to take one of mine, give Emerson a call or visit their website for more info.  Classes start the week of the 21st.



Movies This Week: DVDs