The White Hush

The view from outside my window.

The Weathermen have gathered in circles, alerts hit my phone in a regular stream. The city has declared a parking ban and has opened the public parking garages for free to get cars off the streets. The latest forecast is for a fast moving storm dumping upwards of 10 inches of snow on us in a matter of hours. Worse, its pretty warm as I type this on Sunday morning— hovering around 38 degrees, so there is a chance this starts as rain and then there’s a deep freeze following the storm’s end Monday morning which might make cleanup difficult.

I’ve got the electric snowblower powered up— I’ve not used it for a couple of years— sometimes it seems easier to just shovel. We’ve already winterized everything because, well, it’s mid to late January, and I’ll even spray some liquid silicone on the shovels to keep snow from sticking.

But right now— looking out the window at blue skys, people in light jackets walking their dogs and almost zero snow on the ground the idea of a major snowstorm seems unlikely, but all the weather maps show things look pretty certain.

We’ll see.


Sorry for the delay in posts, we were supposed to be heading to the Inauguration but life got in the way. Instead I’m wrapping up a huge project and hunting down my next one— the blog will refocus on that journey as I look for that next assignment and in the meanwhile I’ll be posting some art here for sale which a lot of you have been asking for.

Tune in tomorrow!

Why Is My Work Saving as a JPF or JPEG 2000 and How Do I Fix It??

Okay you’re working on your epic illustration and you need to save it as a JPEG so you can email it to your best buddy— only you’re not given that option;

You have JPEG 2000 but guess what— that’s friggin’ useless. It’s going to actually save as a JPF which is virtually useless everywhere. I’m guessing someone on a DELL ™ computer came up with this file format.

So how do you get a good old fashioned JPEG out of your image— it’s easy.

Flatten your Image and then go to WINDOWS>CHANNEL and check to see if you have a layer called ALPHA- looks like this….

Delete it.
Hit the trash can and send it into the void of the universe. Now you’ll be able to go to FILE SAVE AS and viola— good old fashioned JPEG will be available!

Why is JPF even a thing and why do we have ALPHA Layers? That’s another story for another time.