Bond Tuesdays...OCTOPUSSY (1983)
Where is thy dignity Commander Bond?
I don’t know why I would ever have chosen to see OCTOPUSSY in theaters, but see it I did. There is a time in your life where the only thing you can do is go to the movies and 1983 about fits. My best friend in High School was also a Bond fan so maybe he talked me into it.
This is the James Bond film where Bond, James Bond, licensed to kill British Secret Service Agent, idol of millions, smooth, dapper and the essence of cool in the 60s not only jumps the shark, he smashes head first into the ramp— Bond might have been cool in the 60s, but in the 70s they decided to make him a clown and in 1983 they went all in.
Many people left the theater saying this was the worst James Bond movie of all time, they said that until 1985 when Bond returned in A VIEW TO A KILL and then they all said THAT was the worst James Bond movie of all time, or at least since that time he dressed as a clown, but with these Bond films just when you think the bottom has dropped out we hit a new low.
Either way— VIEW TO A KILL is next up but right now we’re dealing with this mess. Roger Moore was older than Sean Connery when they hired him, if that makes any sense. It was showing in the last movie and it’s worse now. The womanizing has always been a low point of the character for me but its especially uncomfortable now. At least Maude Adams is only about twenty years younger than he is, rather than the seemingly forty year difference of most Bond girls. Moore was, from everything I understand, a gentleman with a good sense of humor— he and the producers saw the Bond films as escapist fun entertainment. I wish I agreed with them. One more Moore and then we’ll have Timothy Dalton liven things up.
BOND: ** It’s not his fault he’s getting old, but they should have done something with the character— there’s nothing worse than a skirt chasing old guy.
MUSIC: * I think this is Carly Simon again, I didn’t like her other one much, I like this one less.
VILLAIN; Maude Adams who was in MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN is here as the title character, and she’s kind of the bad guy until she’s not. **
BOND RATING: ** the bottom has dropped out kids, and we’re sitting in it.
BOND will return, but you’ll wish he hadn’t, in A VIEW TO A KILL, but we’ll be skipping that entirely since we already reviewed it.
So after Moore left Timothy Dalton came in as Bond for two films, both of which, THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS and LICENSE TO KILL we reviewed the last two weeks. Next up would be Pierce Brosnan who I thought would be an excellent choice as Bond.
I was wrong.
Because this is MY blog— and MY reviews we’ll be jumping the Brosnan’s since I think they are worse than the worst of the Roger Moore ones and getting into Daniel Craig.
Next week.