Batman Covers #1-4
Drawing covers is one of the most fun aspects of being an illustrator— until you hit one that’s not. Recently I struggled with a cover that should have been a fairly simple assignment but I went wrong when I didn’t do enough prep sketches— and to be honest I am way behind deadlines so that didn’t help either.
For the next few days I’m going to explore Batman Covers starting with the first issue from 1940 and going up— who knows how far I’ll go— but going back to the beginning of the comics industry I’m hoping to get some real insight here. Stick with me if you want, head on over to CJ’s if you don’t.
All of these will be courtesy of MY COMIC SHOP— I highly recommend them.
Starting with the first four covers here, from Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter 1940;
Simplicity is the key— any of these could be substituted for the other— in the biz we call these ‘generic’— but that terms sounds negative when its not intended to be.
COVER 1- Vibrant yellow background— Batman and Robin in action. Ignoring the fact that it’s an iconic cover the figures are a bit on the small side but overall it works well enough to make me pick this up off the newstand.
COVER 2 - The first RED Cover— this issue was always one that I hunted down (I know own three copies of it) because there’s something really clever about this one— the moon is a nice touch and Batman doing all the work while Robin just sort of helps sums up the team.
COVER 3- The first BLACK Cover— not as common as you’d think— Batman and Robin running at us in a way that is like the opening of the Adam West TV Series.
COVER 4- Another RED cover but this time with a little more action, Batman is climbing up the ladder while Robin is falling to his death. What’s not to love?
The winner in this group??
It’s a tough pick but I’m giving it to the Number 3— that running towards us shot is really great.