BATMAN #5-8 above— we’ve moved into 1941 with this batch.
Cover #5- is an interesting take— Batman with the scales of justice. It’s an homage/ripoff of a great SHADOW pulp cover— that’s okay Homages are okay to do. Points off because they forgot Batman’s chest emblem.
Cover #6 - Red pinstripe cover— this was for the longest time the earliest BATMAN comic I owned, but I’m going to keep sentimentality out of these and stick solely to design. It’s an interesting take, but artist Bob Kane struggles with anatomy are on full display here with Batman’s tiny left foot and hand.
Cover #7- The Bullseye Cover— this must have really stood out on the newstands. A personal favorite.
Cover #8- An infinity cover— a cover in which the characters are reading the book they’re holding and so on and so on— if you like infinity covers I can see their charm. Points off because Batman’s eyes aren’t white.
The Winner?
I’m going with #7 here— that bullseye cover really hits the spot (sorry).