Pairing Google Pixel Buds to iPhone

You’d think as a devoted Apple guy— well…devotion might be a bit strong— you’d think I would own a pair of AirPods ™ — well I don’t like the way they look. Veronica has a pair— I don’t like the white arms sticking out of your ears— so I did a bit of research; For headphones and most speakers including those in my car I usually go with BOSE ™ which if you’ve ever heard them you realize they are THE bomb. Their version, which I’m sure is amazing, runs close to $200— as someone who uses these things pretty rarely I didn’t really want to spend that, so I found Google Pixel Buds— which are both nice looking, run under $100 and got great reviews so I ordered a pair.

I’d give them a thumbs up— very solid— I don’t know if they’re noise cancelling- I’ve yet to fly with them, but I’ll give it a shot. So when I bought my new iPhone and transferred everything over it was as easy as it could be— all I had to do was put my old phone next to my new one and they take care of the rest— including my custom screen saver and ringtone.

The only thing that wouldn’t easily transfer over were the Buds. I turned them on, turned the BluTooth on and off and nothing. It took me a few hours to figure it out, here are the steps—

  1. Turn on Bluetooth on your iPhone

  2. Put the Pixel Buds in their charging case next to your phone

  3. Open the charging case

  4. Press and hold the pairing button on the back of the case until the status light pulses

  5. On your iPhone, go to Bluetooth

  6. Select Google Pixel Buds

Easy as that.


Bought a New iPhone