Some Random Halloween Movies...
A peek inside my head
We try to watch a spooky film every night in October— I’ll be honest with you it’s not easy. Our work schedules are pretty insane. We did manage to see a few—
ABIGAIL (2023) - The less you know about this one the better it is. Gave it a solid C+
LEGEND OF KROM (2022) - Well acted, not gory at all— not even that scary, but spooky for you who are light weights.
NIGHT GALLERY (1971 on) - the Classic sometimes cheesy Rod Serling follow up to THE TWILIGHT ZONE— it’s more fun than scary, and honestly you’ll figure out the twists pretty quickly.
From My Personal Collection... BATMAN #2
I started collecting Golden Age Comics at around age 13 when I first discovered them. Well, I knew they existed because I’d read about them in both the COMICS BUYERS GUIDE and the OVERSTREET Guide— but I never saw one before then.
That’s Entertainment on Chandler Street in the Big Woo was a fantastic comic shop— what it lacked in size it more than made up for in energy and absolute GEMS.
It was there that I discovered Monster Magazine back issues— I’d been buying FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND for many years but those great classic issues I’d only seen as artifacts in the current issues were often there for sale, happily shown to me by TE Owner Paul Howley who, although he was only ten years older than me, was like a Merlin-like Mentor into the world of comics and pop culture. I discovered the gorgeous Norm Saunders painted Batman Trading Cards there and bought them eagerly with my meager paycheck. At 13 I worked part time after school and on weekends as a photographer’s assistant. I had my own checking account which had to have my mother’s name on it solely so I could buy things at That’s Entertainment.
One day checking out at Paul’s store I saw what looked like an oversized BATMAN book— “is that a coloring book?” I naively asked him. “No,” the wise man said as he took it off the shelf, pulled it from its protective holder and showed me the amazing contents, “it’s a golden age comic book from 1942.”
At 13 I was also a big World War II Buff— collecting movies from that period on VHS tapes. Listening to Old Time Radio— I was a WWII Buff. I had to have it.
Eventually it ended up in my possession and I have it still (I also have 3 other copies which I’ve bought in the years since).
I am something of a strange collector— I don’t feel the need to check off a complete run, I buy only what I like. For years I had no interest in a BATMAN #1 because it’s been re-printed so many times— but the BATMAN #2— that was a grail item. Two years ago I really started chasing one— Ritchie Havens at Bedrock Comics had one on his wall at a show I was at— but it was so nice and so pricey I would have had to trade him my Miata for it. I ended up finding a low grade copy from Terry at Terry’s Comics for a really good price, then another one in slightly better shape and finally this one coincidently from Ritchie. It’s restored which turns some collectors away (although old timers take note- the new only generation of collectors are OK with restoration because the books look better), but I love this one and am very happy with it.
Classic Horror Literature
I saw these volumes of DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN at Alice’s Haunted Bookstore in Mystic Connecticut and didn’t buy them because it was hot and they were huge and I didn’t want to carry them all the way back to the car (we were heading in the opposite direction) yes, I’m that lazy. I figured I could order them online, nope.
Back from a great wedding
Someday I’ll write the story about when Veronica and I were asked to do a cameo in a small film as a version of Scully and Mulder from the X-Files.
Number Two Son got married in a lovely ceremony performed by Number Three Son. People offered me congratulations and I heard more than once “Only one more to marry off!” which always made me laugh. The boys have been on their own for 10+ years— so it’s not like they’re still in the house. We raised adults, not children in adult bodies.
The Ceremony was up in Salem which in October is a tourist destination— quite a place to be. I was honored to be asked to be Best Man and laughed when Number Three son read his sermon to the assembled folks and the bride and groom and it was almost word for word the speech I had prepped for my toast. Veronica was the only person who had heard my speech, and she caught my expression as line by line another theme I was covering came up.
As we walked from where the service was to where the reception was the woman who was organizing the whole thing came over to me and said I’d be going on earlier than expected— no worries— I have nothing prepared.
But I’ve done a lot of public speaking, some of it good, some of it skidding off the tracks and crashing into the woods leaving no survivors.
I was happy that I managed to pull something together that was well received.
It was a great wedding with some regrets. I regret that I didn’t grab the vintage copies of DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN the bride and groom had chosen as our centerpiece (the hotel staff was so quick cleaning up and I was engaged with the many friends who had come in from near and far- some 8,000 miles— I didn’t notice them take it) and I really really wanted another piece of that amazing cake.
Veronica, of course, stole the show, as she was the definition of grace and poise— and when she did a Step-Mother/Son dance there were few dry eyes gathered around the dance floor.
One single son left— as I said to his girlfriend who I truly adore— I have one more daughter spot open, and I’m rooting for you.
Covid pays another visit...
You didn’t even know it did you? Well, that’s the magic of scheduling! While I’m stretched out on the couch with feverish dreams my blog goes on.
My third go-round with it— the first time it was like a very bad cold, the second time it was so mild I was convinced the test was wrong, and when I took the follow up two weeks later and felt better than usual I was convinced these tests are useless because it came up positive again.
This one was different— this one was a bit worse than the other two== like a very bad head cold. Veronica nursed me back to health with tea (yuck) and I got plenty of rest and sunshine.
I’m still feel a little under the weather but I can tell I have this thing on the ropes.
Seen in the Wild....
Nice to see BLACKWOOD prominently displayed among some real masterpieces at That’s Entertainment on Park Avenue in Worcester MA. I really loved working on that title.
The Journal of Artist and Writer Andy Fish. Expect a wide range of topics, but it'll be updated everyday so check on back. Tomorrow's might be better.
Contact Jack Mucciano to arrange Andy & Veronica Fish personal appearances (774) 275-3023
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