Today is My Birthday.

Birthdays can be heavy or light. I have a few good friends who spend most of their “big day” contemplating their lives.

I think I own too many guns to follow their lead.

I keep things light. I’m hard on myself when I make mistakes but I try my best to move on and not make the same mistake twice.

For this year I’m going to focus on some elements that I have the power to change;

1- Work on my Japanese. I’ve done well in the past but I’ve let that fall to the wayside while I focus on work, I need to get back to it.

2- Work on Stoicism. It’s a lifestyle belief I am strongly behind and want to learn more. It’s basically the principle of removing emotion and focusing on Logic as you encounter difficulties.

That’s it, today I’ll eat some Chinese food, spend time with family and friends and I’ll still get some work done.

Working From Home - People Don't Want to Go Back!!

I read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal— people who are being forced away from work at home are opting to get fired, and more and more of them are in a panic realizing they may never find another work from home gig.


So when the Scamdemic first hit back in, what 2019/2020- normal people reached out to me asking me for tips. How did I successfully work from home? How did I get dressed everyday? How did I not eat all day long? What was my secret!!???

I’m not kidding either, it was easily fifteen different friends and relations who reached out. The panic in their voices struck me. I told them my rules;

  • I shower and get dressed the second I wake up. I’m not one to wander down to the breakfast table in a robe and slippers. I like to get dressed right away— not only does the shower wake me up, but I’ve often had someone ring the bell at the ungodly hour of 930am and I don’t want to look like I just rolled out of bed.

  • I only work in my home office. I don’t do anything in there except work. Okay, I sometimes read a book or sit in a comfy chair looking at reference, and yeah, I’ve even taken a nap with the dog up there, but it is a place of work. I don’t eat up there, I do often take a coffee and I keep a steady stream of drinking water right next to me.

  • I work eight to ten hours a day, and I take breaks every 90 minutes where I get up and use some exercise equipment— those rubber band things, a medicine ball, weights— I give it about 5-10 mins every 90 minutes. I also go down three flights of stairs (and three back up) to get water, a coffee refill, etc.

  • I eat lunch regularly between 1:30-2:30 - if the weather is nice I’ll eat out on my deck. If it’s one of the 600 days of winter we have in New England I at least try and get some sun — my kitchen has big windows and gets a lot of sun.

  • I usually take a coffee break at 4:30— that’s much quicker than lunch.

  • Dinner is usually 7-7:30— and if I haven’t gotten an honest days work in then I have to go back after dinner. If not I shut everything down and I usually prep work for the next day. I try and take a walk after dinner and I eat small portions and I don’t snack. That’s how I keep my weight at 160lbs.

  • If the mood strikes me I’ll work pretty late, which is why I often sleep until 9am— but I tend to plan on getting up at 8:30— but I don’t set an alarm because I don’t like them. I hate being jarred awake.

Many of those who reached out put on a lot of weight and couldn’t wait to get back to work. A few managed to make it work, and a couple still do a majority of work from home. But it seems like there is a large group of people who don’t want to go back— and I’ll be honest with you after 35 years I don’t think I could work in an office again.

You Can Handle More than You Can Handle

From the Daily Stoic;

It’s too much. Not another thing. Not another problem. Not another person. Not another piece of bad news.

You. Just. Can’t. Handle. It.

We all feel that way.

But that doesn’t mean it’s true.

Athletes learn that your body is a liar. That when you feel like you’re at capacity you’re actually not even close to your physical limitations This is partly why Seneca talked about treating the body rigorously—so we can learn to triumph over those limitations, that we get good at asserting who is in charge.

“I can handle/Way more than I can handle,” Bon Iver sings. And it’s true. We all can. You have so much more in you than it feels like you do. And how do you know this? Because the load you’re handling today dwarfs the load you could have carried at other times in your life, the things you are handling calmly today would have freaked you out just a few years ago.

You have so much more capacity. Your inner citadel is strong.

You got this.

The Classic Battle of Mac vs PC

Is there a difference? You betcha.


Superman vs Underdog, Batman Vs The Hulk, King Kong Vs Godzilla— in the age old and endless battles of battles I’m often asked, as an elder statesman of digital art— if there is a difference between MIcrosoft Windows and a Mac. In the olden days I used to say easily that Mac had the advantage, but then as the years went on and Microsoft upped its game (Windows 10 is a lot like Snow Leopard for Mac) I assumed the difference was minor.

Then Veronica bought a PC.

She bought a PC simply to play a series of puzzle video games she’s had for years and because PCs are SO cheap just use it as an external hard drive to hold all of her music and photos and free up space on both her Mac tower and her Mac laptop.

Well, my opinion is back to its original— if you’re planning on working digitally get a Mac. After an entire day of trying to get the new PC out of Windows 10 S which is a secure mode to prevent it from accepting any programs from outside the Windows Store it is abundantly clear here that you get what you pay for. And you pay a lot for a Mac don’t get me wrong, but in the long run it’ll run better, faster and you’ll get better results.
Mac’s are more expensive because they don’t clog the operating systems with tons of third party software, but in the end they are worth the extra 5-6x expense. Buy a PC now if you have to but save for a Mac and you’ll be shocked at how much more productive you’re going to be.