Extremely recent design for my favorite clients in the world— this was a tough one because they have another company with a KILLER mascot and I didn’t like coming at this for comparison, but I had a pretty good idea.
The verbiage isn’t final— I’m going to play with how things float in that space box, but with every client design I work up what I like and send it over for feedback before additional tweaking.
This Cold Spell is all my fault
Wow it’s cold out there.
This is my fault— I took the convertible out of the garage on Friday after a beautiful day on Thursday. Saturday was equally nice so we tooled around and decided to take a look at the new version of the Miata, they now call them the MX-5— after a visit to the dealership we told them we’d sleep on it.
Sunday we decided to go to the MFA to check out some of their exhibits and sure enough the check engine light came on in the old Miata. I took it as a sign and traded it in on Monday. We got a good price for a 20 year old car and was able to enjoy one nice day of weather with the new one.
Now honestly I do think we could drive this with the top down in chilly weather because the heated seats and the heating system itself does a really good job.
But I said chilly weather.
Today, Thursday, I decided I’d take the dog for a ride in it— he likes riding in cars, I’d grab some milk and groceries from S&S Farms and then take him for his walk. I did not know it was frigid out. I took the MX-5 but with the top up thank you- but this snap of Spring Time Cold weather got me thinking we have various degrees of cold here in New England';
CHILLY- probably 40-50 degrees. Depending on the season you’ll need a jacket and maybe gloves.
COLD- probably 30-40 degrees. Ditto seasonal issue, but now you need a coat and no maybe about gloves.
REALLY COLD- 20-30 degrees. Where’s my hat?
FRIGID- 10-20 degrees— it cuts right through you like you are out there in natures own.
Also a factor, beyond season, is WIND— today the temp was 35 but the wind was fierce bringing the feel down to FRIGID.
My fault, should have kept the car in the garage.
Four years ago the Quack Doctor Fauci heralded 15 day lockdowns that would “slow the spread” and as we all found out THAT was total bunk as he and his cronies shut down the schools, the economy, and people’s lives all while the Big Orange Man let him.
The CDC said Masks would not protect you, but if you felt safer you should wear one. Then they introduced mandates. I know for myself when I walked through a grocery store with NO MASK I had many people rush away from me but I also had almost an equal number high five me (and I’m not kidding there).
I watched my neighbors RUN to their car with a T-Shirt over their faces like the Germans had just dropped Mustard gas over a trench in France in 1917.
Particle Elimination folks. Particle Elimination. It’s basic common sense. We put DEADLY Chlorine into a swiming pool but guess what— we also put ourselves into that pool because Partical Elimination means there is far more water than there is poison so you are totally fine. Applying that same logic there is far more clean air than there are germs so OUTSIDE is about the safest place you can be. I actually had a neighbor say to me they were surprised we were driving around in our convertible with all those COVID germs out there.
We also weren’t in the demographic at risk— we aren’t overweight, we’re not elderly and we don’t have compromised immune systems. Both of us got Covid during the four years of this nonsense and both of us were fine.
The government response to COVID was more damaging than COVID itself, moving sick patients into nursing homes resulting in a rise of deaths of the sick and elderly people living there. Yet it continued to happen.
Johns Hopkins and a host of other professional medical establishments have been saying over and over again Masks are not helpful and might actually be dangerous because 1- you should not be subjecting your brain to the CO2 you breath out and 2- It might give someone with a compromised immunity a false sense of security and they will put themselves in situations they probably should avoid.
There is legislation in the works that will reverse the order that you can’t sue the vaccine makers because of the side effects many people had with those mandated vaccines. That’s a good thing. Those companies profited in large numbers on a public health crisis and should be held accountable.
The most avid believers of my circle were actually undressing in their garage and putting their clothes from the contaminated outside world in black trash bags to be washed immediately. This same person continues to wear the same filthy mask every single day.
We’ve also learned that Dr Fauci lied, a lot; about the origins of the diseased, about his handling of the disease and through the revelations of various emails— Dr Fauci should be thrown in a nursing home with a bunch of Covid patients.
When Mr Feeble became president things only got worse, and as we have a rematch of the 2020 election I’m not hopeful that the people who inflicted this on us won’t do so again, and sadly many of my fellow Americans will fall into line again.
Because some people refuse to listen and to learn.
End Daylight Savings Time
Not surprisingly a recent study found there is NO BENEFIT to daylight savings time. I always heard “it’s for the farmers” say it with a twang please— well they even asked the farmers and they said the common sense thing— it actually hurts the cows and they don’t need it— they would just get up an hour earlier before daylight— no matter when daylight comes.
The clocks changed Sunday morning and as I type this on Tuesday I heard from every family member, my butcher, my barber and my mailman that “daylight savings time has to go”. Well Senator Marco Rubio R-FL has been trying to get rid of it— and he needs your help.
Reach out to one of your two US Senators and tell them you want it to end as well, and that a bipartisan effort to eliminate it would score major points with you as a voter.
If you don’t know who your senators are— you can find them HERE.
Stop saying there’s nothing we can do about it— and do something about it. We The People can make a change.'s a state of mind, right?
Bugs has the right idea here.
Why do we have winter? The truth is we wouldn’t have the lush greenery we have around here without it. I’ve been to the desert it isn’t lush. Winter is the world without its makeup on— it’s ugly, it’s harsh, cracks and wrinkles show, and to the delusional among us who hope to survive the 600 days of Winter they say its a state of mind.
Regardless, there’s a certain feeling we get when Winter is gasping its last breath— and I’ve had that feeling for the last few days. I think we’re almost at the end.
This week I got an order from Mani-Yack-Monsters which is the brainchild of artist Jeff Carlson— if you don’t know Jeff or his work its definitely worth checking out.
He’s at and he’s got quite a wide selection of stickers, magnets and iron on transfers— all fun stuff.
My good friend Nick Barruci announced a new SPACE GHOST title— I’ve always loved the character even though he’s not had much luck in comics. It’s the sleek simple design by artist Alex Toth that appeals to me.
I’ve done some cover work for Nick, I’ll see if I can wrangle a variant cover gig. Always nice to work on a property you like.
Mo Other World
The Other World is an installation exhibit in Ohio—as I discussed previously.
OA Art Auction Result
The piece was auctioned off in Orlando at the OA Art Expo
The piece of art I did for the auction sold for $1800 with all the proceeds going to the Hero Initiative, a program that provides support to comic book artists who are down on their luck. I believe in them and the work that they do.
It was a fun piece, and better still the buyer is a previous buyer who I am extremely fond of! Congrats!
The Journal of Artist and Writer Andy Fish. Expect a wide range of topics, but it'll be updated everyday so check on back. Tomorrow's might be better.
Contact Jack Mucciano to arrange Andy & Veronica Fish personal appearances (774) 275-3023
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