Andy Fish Andy Fish

Did you Miss National Frankenstein Day?

You’re forgiven if you didn’t know one day last week was National FRANKENSTEIN Day— as someone who is a big fan of Mary Shelley’s creation I didn’t know it— and I’m really sick of all these National fill in the blank day— except for, of course, National Gorilla Suit Day because that falls in the middle of the 600 days of Winter and by that time we’ve lost our mind to the point that we’ll eat Haggis to Celebrate Burns Night because we need something, ANYTHING to survive.

There’s also Batman Day, Donut Day, Coffee Day, Ice Cream Day and I’m sure James Bond Day, Superman Day,— all of it total nonsense.

You want to fix something nonsensical, dispense with these nonsense days — and I swear Donut Day happens at least twice a year— and get rid of Daylight Savings Time.

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Andy Fish Andy Fish

Everything Returns to Normal...but that doesn't mean things get boring.

People asked for a photo of the Veronica - Joe Stepmother/Son dance at his wedding. It was his idea, and I was very touched by it. Being someone who was raised by a Step-Parent who once took me outside and pointed to our back deck and said “those are the only steps in this house” — I believe that to my core. I don’t care if anyone else does— and I mean that— the Man who did more for me than anyone else was someone I considered My Father— he came into my life when I was 12/13 and he made an incredible impact on me. I was nearly 50 when I lost him and it was a loss I feel to this day. I’ll fight anyone who tries to dismiss him as my “step-father”.

I know the difficulties of being a step-parent— much like being a Father-in-Law— you have to know when to speak up and when to stay quiet and sometimes you don’t get it right.

Family is complicated— I live by the belief that blood doesn’t make you family, love does. Time invested does, I have people in my circle I consider to be brothers and sisters because we’ve been through a lot together.

I’m not going to paint it that I’m an easy person to live with or even to get along with, anyone who reads this blog already knows that. But I am who I am and unfortunately that’s the best I can do.

My brother and his wife visted from Japan first arriving four days before the wedding and staying for over a week after the wedding— we spent a lot of time together, we enjoyed foliage, antique stores, book shops and many movie nights. We polished off various bottles of alcoholic beverages and enjoyed each other’s company. It was nice for the sons to spend more time with their Uncle and Aunt, and both of their signifcant others too, one of whom of couse is now my 2nd Daughter in Law.

Back to Work— we continue on some exciting projects— I encourage you to head on over to and sign up for a FREE Membership so you can see what it is we’re working on. Tons of great content and very soon VIDEO GAMES and MOVIES.

Everything returns to normal but that doesn’t mean things get boring.

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Andy Fish Andy Fish

This Was a Record Breaking October

This might have been the busiest October we’ve ever had— I’ve seen more family, eaten more family meals, watched more movies together as a family, attended a big family wedding in Salem, and it was all a blast but I need a break. I’m hoping this weekened I can crack open a good book and an iced tea and just enjoy the much cooler (in my mind perfect) weather.

Number Three Son heads off to Japan next month— I’m excited for him, and we’re planning our next trip there likely fall of ‘25.

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Andy Fish Andy Fish

From the Vaults

Gabriel Marx Toys Lone Ranger Figure— 1978/1979 ish. I had this when I was a lad, I always liked his square jaw. What’s not to love about the Lone Ranger?

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Andy Fish Andy Fish

Murder Comes to our little hamlet.

When we first moved here to this quiet little suburb of the big bad city I was pegged as the gun guy. One neighbor referred to me as The Sheriff because he thought I was in law enforcement. I had many neighbors question why I felt the need to have gun(s). I can just call 911 right?

I can also call 911 if my house is on fire but I still have a fire extinguisher under the kitchen sink.

About two years ago during a terrific storm a giant tree fell down across our street, making it impossible to pass. The neighbor who was the biggest proponent to “just call 911” couldn’t get through to 911— none of us could. The storm had done so much damage around the area that the circuits were jammed. A bunch of us got our our chainsaws and cleared the road so that if someone needed emergency services they could get through.

Most of my neighbors are comfortable with me as the “gun guy” (my favorite is a mother of two who happened to be standing in a circle with a few of us when one of them said to me “why do you carry a gun?” and she replied “because its his right.”) but there are still one or two who just couldn’t understand it. Our neighborhood was one of the safest in the area. We don’t even have porch pirates. People don’t lock their doors or their cars. It’s so quiet here at night you could hear a pin drop.

But, as I would often say, sounding like Chicken Little to some, “Bad guys can drive you know. It’s a nine mile ride to one of the worst crime areas in the city.” My reasoning being if I were a criminal and I knew this quiet little neighborhood was anti-gun and didn’t lock their doors and often left packages out all day long (and sometimes overnight) maybe I’d point my car this way and clean up.

Well murder came to our quiet safe little neighborhood. The guy who committed the crime was indeed from the bad area and he killed a father of several children before killing himself. While the 20-25 police cars blocked off the street and detectives and uniformed cops poured up and down the street the neighbors all congregated at my house— and several of them asked me to explain the process of buying a gun in Massachusetts.
Because although its as important as a fire extinguisher, it’s far more involved. The woman who has been my staunched critic about it pulled me aside and said “I finally get it.”

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Andy Fish Andy Fish

All Hail Number Three Son

Today is his birthday- I happen to think October is the single best month of the year. He’s not a little boy anymore and my love, respect and admiration for him is unmatched. He’s launched a vintage pop culture business with his older brother and you can find it over there under FRIENDS — ROBO PICTO.

All the cliche’s old people tell us are spot on. Time flies. It seems like only yesterday he was sitting at the breakfast table on his knees so he could reach the table, with a handmade Dr Seuss hat on his head as I served us Green Eggs and Ham (I couldn’t eat the eggs). Today I see the man he has become and it’s an amazing transformation— he’s still got the twinkle in his eye he had back then.

He’s a gifted artist in his own right, one of the hardest working people I’ve ever met and someone I truly enjoy spending time with.

Happy Birthday!

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The Journal of Artist and Writer Andy Fish.  Expect a wide range of topics, but it'll be updated everyday so check on back.  Tomorrow's might be better.





Contact Jack Mucciano to arrange Andy & Veronica Fish personal appearances (774) 275-3023

Andy Fish is a freelance Comic Artist interested in Freelance Jobs.















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